Specialized Travel Services
Specialized Travel Services, is a family run business, celebrating 50 years in business, a Destination Management Company / Incoming Ground Handler for Ireland.
We are committed to promoting sustainability, considering the environment and encouraging a broader sustainability agenda within our organisation. We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practices, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients to do the same by introducing our guests to Leave No Trace whilst on tour. Our passion is the natural beauty of Ireland and sharing it with visitors and we, in the tourism sector, must lead by example to preserve our Island. Our goal is to become an accredited corporation and carbon neutral in all aspects of our company operations which will benefit our communities and ultimately our planet for the enjoyment of the generation of our families to follow.
Their Sustainability Policy is based upon the following principles and understanding the basic definition of sustainable tourism .
“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future environmental, social and economic impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and communities” – UN Tourism Organisation (UNTO)
We understand that sustainability is an on-going path in our business and personal lives. We are committed to the learnings as part of everyday living, increasing positive environmental and social impacts every step of the way.
They are committed:
- To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice.
- To integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions.
- To ensure that all staff are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to getting involved in implementing, maintaining and improving our sustainability path.
- To minimise the impact on sustainability of all office and operation activities.
- To make clients and suppliers aware of their Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable practices.